Various alcoholic drinks can be served between 12pm to 01am or by special agreement
At a summer wedding in a garden, it is very popular to combine a 2- or 3-course menu with a barbecue buffet as the main course
Grill buffet, Baked potatoes with Brunsb's spiced butter, Salad buffet, seasonal grilled vegetables, 3 cold sauces, french dressing, garlic sauce. Foil-baked fish with salmon, cod, giant prawns, white wine, fresh herbs, and topped with sour cream.
BBQ chicken, ribs, cheeseburger. 3 hot sauces, Bearnaise sauce, Brunsbo's creamy pepper sauce, mushroom a la crème, freshly baked bread, aioli.
Contact us for a tour
Pil Pil. Prawns in olive oil, flavored with chili, sun-dried tomatoes and garlic. Served with freshly baked bread: SEK 120
Pate. Served with Cumberland sauce: SEK 95
Brunsbo Wild salmon pate. Served with warm lobster sauce, fresh herbs and freshly baked bread: SEK 95.
Toast Skagen. Toasted bread with Brunsbo shrimp mixture, mayonnaise, lemon and red rum: SEK 89
Honeymelon with Parma ham: SEK 75.
Contact us for a tour
med citronkärna och hallontopping
Med vispgrädde
Brownie fudge
Serveras med grädde
Stekt camembert
Serveras med salta kex och hjortronsylt
Serveras med färska bär
20:- / Skopa
Vegansk glass
Serveras med färska bär
20:- / Skopa
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